Artist Bio

A comedic charmer with talents that defy gravity, this Melbourne-based adrenaline junkie is all about bringing the fun, joy and laughter back into circus! Combining his passions for powerful performances, staggering stunts and death-defying acts, Sam is a curious and magnetic industry professional, who has toured the world-over as a multi-disciplinary Aerialist and Acrobat, specialising in Flying Trapeze.

A born daredevil, you might say Sam has circus running through his veins, having been introduced to circus at a very young age by his father – a world-renowned ‘Human Cannonball’. Discovering the spectacular art of Flying Trapeze, Sam began his professional journey in 2004 working at Club Med resorts throughout the world as a Flying Trapeze performer and instructor. 

An alumni of the Melbourne’s famed National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA), Sam continues to impress and astound audiences nationally and internationally, having featured on the stages in Abu Dhabi, Summer Fun Festival in Melbourne, Tasmanian Circus Festival, Adelaide Fringe Festival and Moomba Festival Melbourne.

Sam has toured throughout Australia and Internationally with his impressive Flyer and Catcher skills alongside illustrious, premiere cirque companies such as: Circus Oz, One Fell Swoop Circus, Dislocate and most recently The Little Red Trapeze Company.


Specialty Skills:

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